Jennie Garcia
When I was in elementary school, my sister was diagnosed with kidney failure. I remember visiting her at hospitals and the place where she got dialysis. My mom, who works at night, was with my sister most of the time so I did not see her until after school. This experience helped me become more independent and I experienced what the families of sick loved ones went through. I decided I wanted to help both patients and their families which lead to my interest in the medical field.
I am part of the Hearts on Paws, National Honors Society (NHS), and the Science Club (SHPE). For my volunteer work, I have been a High School Big for the past two years mentoring an elementary school student. To learn more about medical careers, I am taking an ROP class called Hospital Occupations. I also plan on going to a four year university, graduating and continuing my education to become a doctor.
There are two major things that Achievement Institute of Scientific Studies (AISS) has taught me. The first is learning how to manage my time and the second is how to create a research project. Some of the schools I am interested in include: Stanford, UCB, UCLA and UCI because I want to challenge myself and I have heard great things about these schools. These schools have excellent pre-med programs and that will help me with my journey of becoming a doctor.