Omar Tena
Additive Manufacturing Design Engineer at Boeing

MS Mechanical Engineering (Washington University, 2021)
BS in Mechanical Engineering ( Carnegie Mellon, 2019)
AISS Class of 2015 (Segerstrom High School)
When I was in high school, I planned on following the path of least resistance; I would go to the first college that accepted me and study towards the simplest career choice. AISS, however, taught me the value of pushing myself to not only dream big but to work to my fullest potential. My undergraduate education at Carnegie Mellon University was at first extremely challenging and caught me off guard. I went through one of the toughest tests of grit and perseverance that I believe I will ever endure. But because of the strong value of work ethic and the foundation of professional skills given to me by AISS, I was able to become the person I am today.
I am very proud of the progress I have made since then. I will always be grateful to
AISS for convincing me to set my sights on a school like CMU and sticking to
it, through thick and thin.